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Now that you've installed BitPay for Bookly, the next step is to configure it and begin accepting crypto payments for your bookings.

Quick Setup

If you're a visual learner, watch the following video to learn how to quickly get started with BitPay for Bookly, or keep reading to learn more about the available settings:

Detailed Setup

Navigate to Settings > Payments from your Bookly dashboard, then scroll to the BitPay section:

BitPay Payment Settings

  1. Generate a new Merchant Token by clicking the Generate merchant token button: Generate API Token Button

  2. After successful generation, approve your Merchant Token by clicking the link provided. The link will take you to your BitPay merchant dashboard to confirm approval.

  3. After approving, you may dismiss the approval message/link by clicking I've approved my merchant token. You are now ready to start accepting crypto payments with BitPay for Bookly!

Note that the token approval link will expire 24 hours after the time of generation.

Learn more about BitPay API Tokens here